Thursday, February 18, 2010

Pokemon Happy Abby What's The Easiest Way To Make Pokemon Happy In Pokemon Firered?

What's the easiest way to make pokemon happy in Pokemon Firered? - pokemon happy abby

I'm trying to develop my Togepi by happiness as their means, but it always seems the same luck. What should I do?


  1. To meet a Pokemon, you can:

    :: Level Up
    :: Give bays
    :: Do not get too deep into the battle
    :: Give it the elements of the statistical increases (eg, iron, protein, etc. ..)
    :: Please hold a Soothe Bell
    :: Stay in part at any time
    :: You are not bitter (elements such as bitter herbs)
    :: Have a massage on Togepi

    That is all I can think about ... I hope that helped:)

  2. You can increase Togepi's happiness by having a level, as well as vitamins and proteins.
    You may also like to feed pokeblock (depending on their nature, nature can find it on the track to see what you want).
    I Or, as I am of dead (not even in my Pokemon Diamond Smoochum was immediately). I have also heard that the recovery of his Pokemon happier with lemonade is (I do not know if it's true).
    You can also daisy pallet and Togepi give a massage.
    Enter Sothebell the effects of these methods
    Hope this helps.
